Trinity Buoy Wharf

It was a windy and overcast September day, but the was view spectacular for Fran & Scott’s wedding photos.

Ceremony photo at Trinity Buoy Wharf

The view of the Millennium Dome across the Thames in Greenwich made a spectacular backdrop to the ceremony photos.

Lighthouse Wedding Photos

Photos are on top of the historic lighthouse with a spectacular view of the Thames.

Millennium Dome Wedding Photos

A great backdrop from Trinity Buoy Wharf.

Family wedding photos

You can get a good vantage point for wedding party group shots from the lighthouse.

 Bride versus Groom silent disco.

This was a fun photo opp. Guest who wore the green headphones heard the Groom’s music, and those with red headphones heard the Bride. If you switch music, the colour of your headphones changes, until there was a clear winner.


The Royal Institution


Hatfield House Wedding